Gum disease can do more than cause red, swollen and bleeding gums. In severe cases, the disease can cause tooth and bone loss that can affect your entire smile. When this occurs, periodontal therapy is recommended to help stop the progression of the disease and correct the damage that it has already done.
What is Periodontal Therapy?
Periodontal therapy is specific to getting your mouth back to a healthy state. This involves a wide range of preventative and corrective procedures aimed at restoring gum and bone health within the mouth while stopping the overall progression of the disease. Anyone who has gingivitis and gum disease is recommended to have routine periodontal therapy performed.
What is Involved?
What you will need is specific to your gum disease and how progressed the condition is. However, some of the most commonly performed procedures involving periodontal therapy include:
Who is a Good Candidate for Periodontal Therapy?
If you have been diagnosed with gingivitis or gum disease, you should seek out help with periodontal therapy as soon as possible. It is never too early or too late to begin this type of work to restore order to your mouth and maintain a healthy, full smile. Because of how devastating gum disease can be over time, stopping the progression of the disease with therapeutic methods is recommended.
If you are in need of periodontal therapy, contact us today!